An ethos of care


We want our practice to help others and bring more good into the world.

We believe that practicing self-care and mindfulness can lead us to being more compassionate and connected to one another.

As a caring start-up we are committed to looking after one another and the planet – we want our community’s practice to positively flow back into an eco-system of care and actively impact the world.

We are committed to donating ten percent of our profits to help address the world's biggest issues (social and environmental).

To do this we have partnered with Giving What We Can, who help facilitate donating to the most effective organisations addressing the world's biggest issues. 

Giving What We Can is part of the effective altruism movement. GWWC is committed to achieving the most effective, long lasting and meaningful change through effective giving.

Learn more about Giving What We Can here and see member's here.