Upward moving energetic wind – Udana-vayu
In the final part of our journey into the energetic winds, Marjon moves us through an introduction with Udana-Vayu, the upward-moving energetic wind. This article examines the ways this practice can guide us into improved mental wellbeing. Exploring how we can achieve more emotional availability and also learn to let go more easily.
A fundamental concept in traditional Indian philosophy, Udana-vayu, brings our attention to our mental and inner worlds. This practice places emphasis on cultivating healthy mental activity. It gives us more emotional availability to take in, reflect and process.
An understanding and connection to Udana-vayu, helps us accept life circumstances both internal or external and embrace them with an equanimous attitude.
Cultivating insight from Udana-vayu, allows us to accept and surrender many parts of ourselves that are generally prone to grasping or rejecting the ‘reality’ of our lives.
Udana-vayu helps us realise we are actually connected to a much greater and more harmonious whole, than we tend to appreciate, this provides us with a deep sense of relief and comfort, as we begin to feel less alienated from our environment.
This ancient perspective and approach gives us a framework for better understanding and imagining our own mental lives, giving us practices to engage with our own body’s, energies, emotions, thoughts and feelings.
When we engage our body in such introspective ways, it does allow for us to both process, respond and explore, leading to potential self-discovery and growth.
Word from Marjon
The upward moving energetic wind, called udana-vayu, supports healthy mental activity, self expression and speech. Its directional flow is to aid prana in moving upwards toward our head.
This wind supports the sensory actions of our bodies and starts to awaken higher spiritual energy in ourselves and our practice.
To feel its rhythm as you flow, you can start in a standing position, inhale through your feet up your body and spine and exhale out of the crown of your head. If you practice inversions, you can reverse the breath practice - inhale into the parts of your body connected to the Earth and exhale out your legs and feet towards the sky.
On a psychological level, a harmonious udana-vayu allows us to accept challenges and change with ease and equanimity. Your mind and inner self are able to respond to obstacles without fear or grasping, whilst being connected to a higher divine energy.